Patient Counselling

congratulations to our local PCE winners :

1- Youstina Adel

2-Asmaa Ali 

3-Sara Saqr ....

wish them good luck in national :)

starting from Saturday we will start online Patient counselor League on our page 

let me explain how these competition work? 
i am gonna post a Case on the page (down there)? on Saturday 10 am - 3 PM


you have to study case and send it 's Counselling view Essay on mail (be mention when case posted) you can send between specific time i will mention it for instance Monday ... the first one to send the mail with right view will have 3points ..second one 2 points and third one ....1 point .., then we post that we close that weekly match . to stop people from sending counselling view essay ....

the duration of league is to September2012 which means 12 weeks


  1. ايه هيا المواعيد بالزبط؟؟
    امتى هيبدأ الكورس؟
    و امتى المسابقه؟
    و المسابقه عباره عن ايه؟
    و هل المسابقه محتاجه خبره ولا الكورس كفايه؟
    و التدريب والworkshops هيكونو فينو عباره عن ايه؟
    أرجو الردلأني أريد المشاركه

  2. Wednesday 3pm
    workshops at 57357 and collage
    local competition on the third day of the event (saturday)
